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Conference Requests

Screenshot 2024-04-05 130429.png
Vector platform, showing the PD Tracker tab icon
Vector platform, showing the new button in the top right corner of the PD Tracker
Vector platform, showing the Conference Attendance Request document in the dropdown of new documents

GOAL's official conference request form is in Vector 

To access the form, follow these steps:

1. Go to PD Tracking by clicking the graduation cap icon in Vector

2. Click the green "New" button

3. Select the Conference Attendance Request form

4. Complete the form 

5. You will receive email updates as the form moves through the approval process

Tips for a Quick and Easy Approval:
Considering these best practices will ensure that your conference request has the best chance of being approved. 


  • Submit your conference request as early as possible-- ideally 2-3 months in advance.

  • Be ready to provide links to registration and conference information

  • Be ready to explain how your conference will have a positive impact on student learning

  • Be ready to share out what you learned at the conference! Have some ideas ready about how you might share your new learning.

  • Communicate with your supervisor that you've put in a conference request for their approval

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