Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ
What is the difference between professional learning, instructional coaching, and compliance training?
Compliance Training – Required training to share information and enforce/reinforce behaviors of employees. These hours do not count towards CDE relicensure. Examples include CPR, Public School Works courses, most department meetings, etc.
Professional Learning – Opportunities for staff to develop and enhance knowledge and skills that can be used for relicensure. Examples include Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Gladiator Forum sessions labeled as “Professional Learning”, webinars, courses, workshops, conferences, etc.
Instructional Coaching – The practice, application, and feedback of professional learning with a qualified instructional coach. Examples include coaching cycles, group coaching, observation debriefs, brainstorming, Gladiator Forum sessions labeled as “Instructional Coaching”, etc.
What does L&D offer?
We offer a variety of innovative and diverse learning experiences for GOAL staff!
The Learning and Development team offers a variety of staff-focused opportunities designed to support the unique work we do at GOAL. We support staff growth through innovative and diverse learning experiences, and we pride ourselves on continuously expanding our offerings as staffing allows!